
teurenistattferotten [they/them]
As far as I remember it, someone tried to upload a 20,000 X 36,909 size image of :dprk-walk: and it killed image uploading for quite a while. When we got images back, we got to see the exact image that was the cause of the problems, and it was our one and only :dprk-soldier:
(This all might be entirely wrong, it was a while ago when this happened.)
Max0r is amazing, his newest videos make you pause every 10 seconds to hit , & . to see all the 3 frame jokes on screen. Truly a master of zoomer sensory videos.
As a gamer, i disapprove of this message :stuff:
Seeing this video gave me an idea. Raytheon, if you’re listening, hear me out! :important-high-level-ideas:
So, cats can easily fit into tubes of a quite small diameter, whilst their fur fills out the space around them. They can move forward and backwards with relative ease. So what I’m thinking is, get this, cat launcher. So, you get a tube with a launching mechanism, I’m thinking pressurized air, but maybe a springboard mechanism could also work. The cat is pushed out of the tube at great force, at the target, over a long distance. Think some sort of artillery piece, but for launching cats, catillery, maybe. The point of launching a cat at a foe, is to pacify them, by gifting them a cat at a long distance, they will be distracted and too busy petting or feeding the cat to care about any current conflict, allowing troops to peacefully capture their position and force a surrender.
Of course you’re thinking, "Is this safe for the cat?:kitty-cri: ", no, probably not. But do not fret! Remember that cats have 9 lives! So with some basic calculations :galaxy-brain: , we can figure out how many times 1 cat can be launched. Assuming both the launch and the landing is unsafe, that is a loss of 2 lives per launch, so a total of 4 launches can be made leaving our feline projectile with 1 life to retire from service with. And on the opposite spectrum, if both the launch and landing is safe, a healthy cat of 9 lives can be launched indefinetly, and if only one part of the sequence is unsafe, then a generous 8 launches can happen before the cat must be retired. :meow-coffee:
Personally, I believe my ideas will usher forth a new age of feline-based :based-department: warfare :meow-tankie: , where the side with the cutest, friendliest and cuddliest cats will win out, with 0 casualties on any side. (excluding potential people with allergies. Better bring anti-histamines.)
Me opening pomegranate: WTF NO THIS SHIT SUCKS :sicko-no:
Me eating pomegranate 10 mins later: YES HAHAHA FUCK YEAH WOOO :sicko-speeeeen: