usurp [none/use name]
Fascism makes the enemy look simultaneously weak and strong. Jews are portrayed as both master infiltrators and clearly physically different than g*rmans. The chinese now are portrayed as highly industrious but very poor.
THE THING MARX GOT RIGHT WAS THE ABOLITION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY! you yourself said a gun is private property. I’m sure this site agrees that meat and cars should be banned, is that not idealism? I don’t think the state should give up it’s guns so long as the state is ran by the workers, to me that means military. Can you not understand that?
(real nice of you to edit your comment after I reply, still didn’t even edit out the part about private gun owners, I don’t hate you but fuck just think about what private property is please)
cw: rant
I hate the fallout series, its pro capitalist propaganda that portrays communists as evil loony toon villains. It’s politics are lib at best and entirely reactionary most times. When addressing race it’s always durr chinese bad but retro futurist america is free of racism in the same way starship troopers was. Fallout new vegas, the shining turd of the series, had four endings straight out of a political compass test, side with the auth right legion, the lib right ncr, the auth left house, or the yesman lib left. None of it is original, they did the same thing again in fallout 4 because Todd Howard can’t make an original idea to save his life, it’s all just a giant homage to the “golden age” of American culture and if you hate American culture it’s hard to sit through. No I don’t want to hear big iron, the guy who wrote that was a fucking racist and fallout 76 has a literal song that mentions joining the kkk. In conclusion pig poop balls.
I think the original comment meant power as in political power, but you know it can have another meaning. Violence and coercion are tools used to increase production and a gun is one of those tools. A gun can also liberate when in the right hands, and it does that by the threat of killing. But what if the gun was not in the equation at all, what power would anyone have to coerce without a weapon? What authority would anyone have without guns?
Look I agree with the fact guns have their place and it’s in the interest of the left to disarm the right so they can’t fight back as easily. But that political power coming out of a gun, what type of property is that gun? Would it be the same type of property depending on the wielder? And if cars are to be phased out eventually, shouldn’t also guns?
So what’s the differences between chattel slavery? Didn’t the carribain kill so many slaves through hard labor they had to constantly import more since they didn’t expect then to survive and the usa focused on breeding them since they couldn’t get any more from Africa because of a ban of some kind? And what about the house and field slaves? That’s an example of class. And Europe abolished it before slavery of Africans at least became an industry staple in the motherland at least, the colonies it still happened for a while longer. And the ottomans castrated their slaves, well more than others no?
Explain the feudal property situation, I’m under the assumption it was a form of slavery and the serfs collective property. And the slavery that occurred in european colonies with non european slaves was a different more private property focused slavery than what happened in eurasian feudalism. And that under capitalism wage slavery is a thing and it’s the least harsh of the three with a lot of self determination for the workers. But the thing is people are property and the goal of leftism is to liberate ourselves from being property, or at least get a bigger cage. So what difference does it make if there is a mutual benefit from feudalism? Serfs are still property, and to bring it back to guns, are they not property as well?