Spend their money that they hoard?
Art should not be produced for profit, because it stops being art. Ideally we would subsidize artists, or better yet provide for everyone’s needs and let them make art in their free time. Forcing us to watch corporate propaganda about fucking dishwasher detergent ain’t it.
Ah yes, Keanu Reeves, famed for his compelling vocal performances…
This concept is the “third space” – a social space other than work and home where people can congregate, socialize, and relax. Parks and libraries are some of the only remaining spaces in capitalism where people can be humans without paying for the privilege to exist by the minute.
Biometrics authentication seems to me to be entirely useless. It’s less secure and more easily spoofed than passwords, and if you need more security 2FA or a physical key (digital or otherwise) provide it. It would be nice to have the support I guess, but the tech itself just seems like a waste of money.
You just grew up using Windows and are used to its design language – that doesn’t make it inherently intuitive.
If you are fucking with path variables you’re already a power user. The settings for an OOTB Ubuntu or other user-friendly distro are pretty damn intuitive, and if you’re dealing with anything more complex, I personally would far rather use bash or other Linux shells than Powershell.
The word “nauseous” is parallel to “noxious” and means “causing nausea”. If you’re experiencing nausea, you’re nauseated – the thing that made you nauseated is nauseous.
From the comment thread it sounds like the contract might be on shaky ground. The original dev seems to be under the impression that a project licensed under GPLv3 can just be freely changed to another license, which it cannot without explicit consent from all contributors. We don’t know the contract language of course, but the dev said it would “likely” not remain open source, which indicates that he told them they could change it. ZippApps’ lawyers will hopefully notice that and refuse to buy, though either way we shouldn’t trust this maintainer again and should move to the forks.