ziggurter [he/him, comrade/them]
The Democrats will not change their way just because they lost the election. The system is working exactly as intended
100% yes. I’ve been responding to liberals’ “will they learn?” takes all over and IRL that, “They need to be DESTROYED, not reformed.” Even if they did “learn” a bit and change their policies and/or messaging slightly (and let’s be real: it’d just be the messaging), it’d just be temporary and it’d just be a way to preserve their second uni-party ballot line and existence as the “left wing of fascism”. We don’t want them to learn from it, because that’d just be taping the mask back on for a bit. We want the working-class to recognize what they actually are, instead! Rip the fucking band-aid off! Anything else is just seeking to prolong the inevitable, and cause far more suffering in the end.
I think this is an opportune time to go hard on this messaging. Kick them while they’re fucking down!
P.S. - Also, the “ruling by fear” bit is another pretty good symptom of fascism we can point out, I think. Kind of a “meta-politics” bit.
Yeah, fair enough. I guess I’m just really fucking annoyed at liberals idolizing yet another arm of the state’s carceral system that happens to be slightly less torturous and is run in another wing of the empire. I shouldn’t give Moore too much credit. But his whole, “they’re on an island instead of behind walls, and they have their own toilets in each cell!!!” or whatever shit grated on me from the first second, even as I appreciated that it helped show how fucking awful U.S. prisons are. And, of course, it annoyed me even more to see a bunch of progressive liberals swoon and figure that “the Norwegian model [of the prison-industrial-complex]” is the ultimate answer to keeping their punitive injustice system around so no real radical change has to be made.
BadEmpanada says it like it is, volume #475728345324: