
Myserv One Official and only lemmy community.


Myserv One Official and only lemmy community.


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Any issues will be posted here or you can ask for help.

If the post is off topic or just a general post please label it such:

[Chat] YourPostTitle

General chat allowed if not spam.

Community stats

  • 1

    Monthly active users

  • 35


  • 13


Community moderators


Lemmy Myserv one

(uptime is since creation, all time) Data from: https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/list

Lemmy users are encouraged to use this instance to browse the fediverse. No real content is stored here (other than issues on the official community) but you can create an account then access other federated servers so that you reduce their traffic and help not overload them. This helps keep other Lemmy instances fast and working. If they go down you can still access other Lemmy communities. Or just have a backup account (good practice).

Server is reliable and easily run and maintained by keeping everything as simple/cheap as possible wherever I can. Downtime is expected to be minimal due to the design, however there are no bells or whistles. This is a cheap to run instance, and I wont let costs run away.

Blocked instances are any instances that host illegal content I am notified about or spam/troll etc. and is pulled from FediNuke.txt that many instances use to block hostile servers. Nothing more, just don’t want a hard time. Don’t get onto that list. I don’t maintain it, I just use it. Rules are don’t be an idiot and make our lives hard basically or troll/be racist/do illegal stuff. I just want things to be simple.

If any content is found that is questionable or illegal or any of the usual stuff just report it and it can be deleted. If any admin from another instance needs me to ban any user or bot account just contact me. Happy to remove fake or evil accounts. I like to keep things simple as I said. No drama = everyone is happy.

Any problems just create a support thread or message user ‘Thief’ for help. If you cant create a thread email me at: admin at myserv dot one