How the fuck do I explain this to my wife.
I’ve explained this several times already.
Being edgy, hated, outcasts has always been part of the appeal of both the pod, sub, and site. Why do you think everyone was so happy to be banned?
We are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all
Please be kind and courteous to your fellow leftists. There’s no need to be mean or rude unless it’s a chud.
Respect that people have differences of opinion
We will exclude you from interaction if you insult, demean or harass anyone.
Moderators are held to a higher standard than other community members. If a moderator creates an inappropriate situation, they should expect less leeway than others.
We believe in unrestrained criticism of power
Power to the posters.
TLDR; Yes, we have a prescribed tone. If users think mods are not abiding by the standards, they do have the right to criticise them.
We’ve all agreed to certain codes of conduct for interactions on the site. Mods are violating those. That doesn’t change our approach to those outside the community. Piss on Thatcher’s grave, massacre slave owners, hang all transphobes, but also form a “safe and welcoming environment” in which to do so. These are not contradictory.
I’m not trying to start a riot over the name change. I’ve been clear about my position on it, but also what the larger issue is.
:PIGPOOPBALLS: is not an adequate response to criticism from users. Lmao is not an adequate response to requests for more clear moderation. When the moderators claim they’re trying to create a more respectable and inviting site, while engaging in such childish hostility, there’s a real problem.
When this started, I was not critiquing the admins on their tone or procedure. I was discussing what would be a better name and a better use for this site. It’s only when they went out of their way to not engage with feedback and make their hatred known that I began criticising them.
TC69 has said she has her own vision for the site and trying to impose it against virulent opposition from the community, but she’s not letting us in on what that vision is. Is this the first step in a larger process towards a more banal, generic leftist site that takes itself too seriously and thinks it will be the source of the revolution, or are we going to be while retaining the shit and cum humour, “being gay with your dad” subheading, and hosting a CTH fan community? Neither of these are good.