I mean, I knew it all along, and never really expected anything else, but it’s one thing to know it, and another to be expected to act it out in the real world on a day to day basis, to take them seriously, to treat them as some paragons of wisdom and virtue. I just feel the flow of the void streaming from their mouths when they speak. How in the hell did you end up an authority over all of us when all you did was get a scholarship from your uncle and then regurgitate some talking points?
No, Professor Smith, what you just said is literal war propaganda, but if I question you, not only will you ignore it, there’s also a non-zero chance you might fail me or otherwise make my life difficult.
How the fuck do you deal
I generally mold my work and professed opinions into exactly what they want and expect, regardless of how I actually feel. I deconverted while still attending Catholic school and being immersed in the religious community, so I have a lot of experience in using doublethink and duplicity to appease authority I can’t escape. I thought when I left home I would finally be able to stop faking all the time, but it seems you never really get to the part of life where that happens. First it’s your professors, and then it’s your boss.