This is the thread to come to when you need to get stuff off your chest but don’t want to bother or upset anyone. Please be conscious of your comrades and use spoilers and CWs as necessary
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Should be studying for my optics exam tomorrow, but here I am instead lol.
The real thing I want to vent a little about though is due dates, and how it’s actually kind of nice to have them. Last week, my Quantum Mechanics 2 professor posted the 5th homework for the class, but he still hasn’t actually posted the due date for it. Which is a bit of a problem for me, since my executive dysfunction makes it so that I respond much better to external motivation than internal motivation. So while I’ve actually started working on it a bit, I’m not going to be able to seriously sit down and just work on it until I know exactly when I have to turn it in.
On the bright side though, spring break is next week for me.
Edit: They finally added the due date, 2 weeks from now, hell yeah, probably not going to work on it until the end of spring break though lol.
Edit 2: I got a 100 on my optics exam HELL YEAHHH!!!
That is so weird. Does he do that often? I wouldn’t be able to start early on that either. I hope it’s not a long assignment, having that looming over my head would be a bummer. And quantum mechanics too, yikes
I think it’s partly because of the winter storm we had here in Texas. The TA for the class apparently got hit especially hard in terms of power outages which caused them to get behind in grading. I had the same professor last semester and iirc he was generally good in terms of posting due dates ahead of time, so I think it’s mostly just due to factors out of his control. Plus, he’s probably aware that a lot of us are also taking optics, and since we have our optics midterm tomorrow, he may be doing it intentionally so that people can give more of their attention to studying.