Once again: We could do a poll on this site, and I’d bet my fucking life that at least 50% of this site had socdem views before becoming communists.
20th Century European socdem movements were to their core anticommunist. There were real communist movements with social power behind them, and the socdems fought against them. That doesn’t exist in America. Americans don’t become socdems because they have an ideological commitment to anticommunism, they become socdems because they see the flaws in our system, but since the political climate here is so right-wing, actual socialism is entirely out of anything approaching the mainstream conversation. Let me reiterate from the first line of this comment, this site is full of American former socdems turned communists.
You’re right about 20th Century European socdem movements, but the current political climate of the United States is in no way equivalent, and I struggle to see ANY situation in which it’s a bad thing to make people more conscious of class and of the utter failure of the American system to provide for people.
lol at calling me a wrecker