The result is basically indistinguishable from the real thing, and they’re not even using gpt-3
lets say youre walking down the street and a car drives by and hoses your ass with cum. what would u do? i bet you wouldn’t do anything
One time I made the mistake of riding a bicycle in Texas and someone threw a large soda at my head. I didn’t know what to do so I did nothing. He’s right even when he’s a computer.
lets say
kind of expected it to be a Ben Shapiro tweet.
Anyway, how the fuck “let’s drive by and throw some shit at a pedestrian” a thing? I was walking down the road one night, and 2 jackasses threw a milkshake or something at me. They missed, and a minute later they drove straight into the lamppost. WTF
had dickheads in trucks throw bottles / drinks at me twice when riding a road bike at night in texas, both times resulted in the morons running red lights to get away when they discovered that in fact a marginally in shape person with tall gearing can cruise over 20mph and catch up to their dumb asses stopped at intersections
cars full of shitheads running away from a single guy on a bicycle