I won’t debate you or anything I’m just really curious what some of the main reasons why someone would want the state to beat capitalism rather than defeat capitalism according to anarchist theory. I appreciate anyone who takes the time to answer my question. Hopefully an interesting discussion can be had. EDIT: I appreciate everyone’s response. Not exactly a big fan of most of the sentiment but I appreciate those who took the time to help me understand.
For the study of Marxism, and all the tendencies that fall beneath it.
Read Lenin.
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Study Guides
- Basic Marxism-Leninism Study Plan
- Debunking Anti-Communism Masterpost
- Beginner’s Guide to Marxism (marxists.org)
- A Reading Guide (marx2mao.com) (mirror)
- Topical Study Guide (marxistleninist.wordpress.com)
- Kapitalism 101 on political economy
- Marxist Philosophy understanding DiaMat
- Reading Marx’s Capital with David Harvey
- Marxists.org largest Marxist library
- Red Stars Publishers Library specialized on Marxist-Leninist literature. Book titles are links to free PDF copies
- Marx2Mao.com another popular library (mirror)
- BannedThought.net collection of revolutionary publications
- The Collected Works of Marx and Engels torrentable file of all known writings of Marx and Engels
- The Prolewiki library a collection of revolutionary publications
- Comrades Library has a small but growing collection of rare sovietology books
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