It’s such a cool idea, I can’t wait to see it happen.
Agreed, but if everyone were offered life extension (even if it was in exchange for, say, moving off planet or not having kids), it’d be amazing, transformative to the human condition in an almost entirely good way. We’d all have to start taking the long view, we could have 500-year plans.
Even being healthy and young until say 120 and then a fast decline would literally allow us to divert 20% of our total resources to something not based on aging or death.
No disagreement here. FALGSC is a necessary condition for ethical life extension, and I don’t expect us to get there in my lifetime even if the revolution happened tomorrow, too many other things to do to set shit right.
Someone pointed out if humanity invented immortality, even just as AIs who could continue to own their wealth, we would just have 10,000-generation-old Trumps and Bezoses
Haha right? You think the dragons of today are bad? Wait until they live 1,000 times longer, have 1,000,000 time more wealth, and have lived across the span of multiple entire civilizations with whatever form of digital dementia the Gen Ones couldn’t predict