Telegram has voice chats now and Discord is just terrible privacy wise.
Telegram isn’t the best obviously but it’s miles better than Discord and it got a lot of features which should make convincing friend to switch easy
Telegram is used widely in Europe I believe. Good luck getting your friends to switch off discord. It is impossible to get people to take even the most insignificant action for privacy in my experience.
I use signal with the few people that have any opsec awareness.
all my friends use either fb messenger or instagram dm or whatsapp and it’s all just facebook. I wish teens found it really cringe and embarrassing to let FB spy on you
FB messenger is just bad. Forget the spying, at it’s base it is just bad featurleas software. Literally ICQ was better software.
Are you aware of Telegram’s many features? You can use that to entice them.
for a lot of people, nothing is more enticing than doing nothing :( 90% of my communication with friends is on a FB service (other 10% on snapchat)
Like what? The 1.5gb file transfer seems nice, but I couldn’t find anything else of note.
I didn’t know that, but I am unsuprised. I think the idea of using something like signal is at least prevents blatantly dragnet surveillance by everyone and their uncle. The CIA is unlikely to sell info to your landlord or employer for example.
As someone else suggested, there is little hope of privacy on a third party app. And frankly, so much of the tech itself is directly implicated with the military industrial complex that you are probably fucked anyway. If you have information you want to stay private, you are better off never letting it come in contact with the internet at all.