Telegram has voice chats now and Discord is just terrible privacy wise.
Like what? The 1.5gb file transfer seems nice, but I couldn’t find anything else of note.
There are bots, piracy, unlimited storage, all the stickers and saving messages… some of the features off the top of my head. Plus it’s native to every platform thus resource efficient and well designed.
Yeah, it’s just thats not really a selling point to someone on discord, aside from the file transfer.
I’ve made a couple discord bots and it’s got a solid api. Discord runs natively just fine on arch linux for me as well.
I meant Telegram isn’t an Electron app. Yeah I guess it’d take some effort to convince them but it should be worth it given how terrible Discord is. Matrix/Element has the channels problem which they are fixing by their Spaces feature but they still won’t have a voice chat feature like Discord’s (which Telegram implemented)