I feel like it’s been so normalized that “only” a few hundred deaths a day seems like basically nothing (and the fact that that most obvious crisis is receding a bit is just more cover for no additional stimulus/unemployment assistance, etc)
Plus everyone’s so goldfish brained that as soon as it’s declared “over” my mom will start asking why I’m not immediately back in the labor force (I’m kidding, she was already asking that as cases were skyrocketing)
There is a very low chance of getting covid from being outdoors while socially distancing.
Also, even if you get it like tgat the viral load will be very low.
What the fuck are you talking about. Stop spreading blatant misinformation. “The viral load will be very low” what the fuck are you even saying. It only takes a few cells to start replicating to give you COVID, viral load only matters once it has been fought off and you are in recovery. Good God you’re an idiot
You seem very stupid, stop spreading your idiot opinions like they’re fact