how does anyone watch this dunning-kruger chuckle fuck speed talk about something he knows nothing about, then after receiving a well informed answer pretend he can’t understand ideas or concepts longer than 2 sentences?
like how fucking idiotic do you have to be to think you know more about economics than a Yale grad, PhD in Economics, published, multi-decade professor
Oh cool so you know with 100% certainty nobody was convinced of anything or made to questions their ideas.
Yeah it would have been better for Wolff to appear on better platforms but this is the hand he was dealt. I doubt he rejected appearing on MSNBC or whatever to debate Destiny.
If he got a dozen dumbass Destiny fans to reconsider their bullshit ideology it was a job well done, what the fuck else is he gonna do with his time during a pandemic?
Oh cool so you know with 100% certainty nobody was convinced of anything or made to questions their ideas
Destiny has arrived to pwn us facts and logics. Shut the fuck up.
Will do. You make sure you send a strongly worded email to prof. Wolff to make it clear you heavily disprove of how he spends his time. I’m sure he’ll take it to heart.