Yes. Marx would be saddened if he learned that some Marxists would think of him as infallible.
Easy example: Marx thought revolution would first happen in industrialized countries, but the exact opposite happened, there hasn’t been a single long-term communist revolution in industrial countries, and all the revolutions have instead happened in non-industrial countries.
Long-term is key: Communist revolutions happened in Paris (during his lifetime!) and in Germany (a generation after Engels passed). So mainly he was off-base on how certain he was these workers’ revolutions would succeed.
I don’t think he was certain that any specific revolution would succeed, he’s very clear that “The common ruin of the contending classes” is a potential outcome.
Yes, I am well aware of those revolutions and why Marx thought what he did, but thanks for pointing them out anyways.
There actually was a letter where he mentions that Russia had the opportunity for a communist revolution that could skip capitalism/proletarianization due to their heavy peasant population + communication with capitalist countries. Rack 'em
Damn, I actually have read some of his letters, but havent read that one yet, good to know.