I like asking questions that trigger value dissonance. I know this site loves everything about communism and thinks uncritically about it, and it also loves everything gay and sexually liberatory, unless of course it’s pedophilia then it goes full Chris Hanson, unless a mod is accused of it then it sweeps it under the rug like the holmodor or classicide. Ideology of peace my ass, I want to make my takes and not get banned for it, but this site is ran by freedom hating freaks. You know your arguments can’t win so you ban debate. To whoever actually reads this shit, question who actually controls this site, what they preach, what you believe in. I promise you an ideology from the 1800s isn’t the answer.
Outright bans don’t work, and they don’t magically start to work when a socialist government does them, but as always it’s a question of how the implementation of those bans effects people in the real world that’s important. China has seen massive improvements towards equality between the sexes since it’s been under Communist rule, and the ban on pornography has been a part of that trend, and if/when the time comes to get rid of it I believe that their government is far more capable of making that decision than any government poisoned by Capital.
But you don’t really care about people’s opinions on porn in China because you’re more interested in wrecking.
we can’t do that
You thinking it’s at all difficult to talk to a Chinese person online about anything only proves that you have literally never tried.
Mainland Chinese, there’s a language barrier and great firewall. Hong kongers don’t really count. The people that know English are a minority.