I don’t think the propaganda is as strong as it was. Even if it is, protests are getting larger and angrier. Unless the ruling class throws a bone in the form of actual improvements in material conditions that’s going to continue.
I don’t think the propaganda is as strong as it was.
How do you know? Because of how successful they were at demonizing PRC, I’m skeptical now. Also, what protests this year have come close to the ones last year?
I think @invalidusernamelol got to the heart of the propoganda issue, but I also am not sure about how effective the China-scaring will end up being.
It’s a “new” enemy, but it feels like the same tricks from post-9/11 Anti-Muslim frenzy without the catalyst event of 9/11 to springboard it. It’ll increase hate crimes and might rally some behind the flag but after a while of further worsening conditions people will stop caring because their own lives will be getting worse and it only delays the inevitable in my opinion.
Propaganda is a whip, not a horse. The republic is the horse and the republic is dying. We can’t make debt payments on loan interest anymore, social services are all but gone, health and education standards are rapidly declining, there’s growing division in the population (mostly created as a backup plan for collapse), China controls the productive and popular base of the world and it’s becoming impossible for the US to compete.
It’ll be a collapse of imperial hegemony followed by a collapse and rebuilding of the republic.