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Theories can be tested, they can be proven false. You don’t accept a theory as true based on faith alone, the evidence has to be there as well. Of course there are things we don’t know, and there is speculation in those fields, but that is not at all the same thing as putting faith into a specific explanation because you feel it in your heart. Science is built upon observation and experimentation, not blind faith. This is what distinguishes it from a religion.
People lavishing praise on people like Elon Musk and his Hyperloop and Boring Tunnel garbage doesn’t make science a religion. You know what people have used to demonstrate that “his” “ideas” are complete and utter bs? A surface-level examination of the science behind it. Stuff like Musk’s pesudoscientific promises have been peddled since long before the days of Snake Oil salesmen. It’s the same thing it always has been; people falling for a con man.