List of books you can read on Palestine or Decolonization in the book repository:
Bonanno, A. (2003). ‘Palestine, Mon Amour’.
Chomsky, N. (1999). ‘The Fateful Triangle’.
Chomsky, N., Pappe, I. (2010). ‘Gaza in Crisis: Reflections on Israel’s War Against the Palestinians’.
Davis, A. (2015). ‘Freedom Is a Constant Struggle’.
Fanon, F. (1961). ‘The Wretched of the Earth’.
Finkelstein, N. (2018). ‘Gaza - An Inquest Into Its Martyrdom’.
Freire, P. (1968). ‘Pedagogy of the Oppressed’.
Pappe, I. (2006). ‘The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine’.
Said, E. (1993). ‘Culture and Imperialism’.
Nkrumah, K. (1964). ‘Philosophy and Ideology for De-Colonialism’.
I also highly recommend the books of Rashid Khalidi, Yazid Sayegh, and Rosemary Sayegh, found in the usual places where books may be downloaded
And for those who like documentaries, there’s Gaza Fights for Freedom on youtube