this goes to you Leninists too
It’s not “criticizing Leninist dogma”, it’s a complete misunderstanding of the revolutionary process.
The German communists did not establish a Workers’ State. Therefore, the German communists did not provide us an example to learn from in the next stage of revolutionary struggle. Lenin & the Russian communists provided us an example to study on that next stage.
Every single one of these people were dedicated revolutionaries who made mistakes and had successes. Lenin’s successes provided us insight to the next stage of historical materialism: the establishment of a Workers’ State and its struggle against capitalism. Rosa’s successes did not provide us this, and therefore it is significantly less useful revolutionary theory.
I feel like a lot of people treat revolution like celebrity worship, then project that onto Marxist-Leninists.
Stalin’s USSR was undeniably a clusterfuck which caused 4-8 million deaths
Significantly more than 4-8 million people. The Soviet people were almost wiped off the planet by the Nazis. But the People, with the leadership of Stalin, delivered the workers of the world their first victory over Fascism. And in doing so, they provided us our most important lesson in the construction of socialism & defending it from Fascism.