IMO nothing touches opiates as far as addiction potential goes. That shit becomes as important as food, water, and sex to an opiate hijacked brain.
Still, yes I think they should be completely legal. Legalizing these drugs would completely destroy the black market for these drugs and greatly mitigate deaths from shit like fentanyl and carfentanyl.
and idk maybe a bad take but if someone wants to ride a bike without a helmet, ok, it’s stupid and dangerous and might kill them but if they’re fully informed on the risks and it won’t increase the chance of death for someone else, it’s their life.
See this is we disagree. To me those helmet laws are just good policy. They’ve been proven to save lives and it’s not like people are rotting in jail for unpaid helmet fines.
Well, that’s how people usually discuss policy, not an absolute thing but quantitative. Is enjoyment people get from a particular extreme sport worth preventable injuries and death? Is enjoyment people get from not wearing the helmet worth the death? I’d say no to the second question…