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I legit just grew out my beard because I realised I just hated shaving it.
Obviously as a cis dude, it wasn’t a hard decision to make but I do somewhat understand the frustration of feeling like you must shave. Especially when it’s everything, never mind a relatively small patch of hair on your face.
One day I was just like “Why am I shaving? I don’t even particularly like how I look clean-shaven, and I always fuck up my face doing it anyway”
Again, different experience for a cis male, but it would be nice if we lived in a world where people didn’t feel like they have to look a certain way. I still remember being younger and genuinely being weirded out that women had hair on them, that shit gets ingrained into you. Doesn’t bother me now of course.
I’ve legit gotten shit from people who think it’s weird that I trim down my armpit hair. Like, damn. You asked.