They only specify anarchists because saying that communists are a threat sounds too ridiculous post-red scare.
I’m not convinced there are all that many, tbh. The lion’s share of anticapitalists in the US are radlibs.
Also something like a third of millennials self-identify as supporting communism (almost certainly higher with zoomers), so 🤷
I think “anarchists” is being used as a more scary-sounding word for anti-capitalists in general.
I’ve heard that thing about millenials although I’m not convinced they could give a meaningful description of what socialism is if asked. I mean there’s probably some promise that the words are no longer scary, but maybe I’m cynical about this. Just about everyone I know around my age is either completely checked out of politics or they are a complete chud with maga flags on their trucks.
The lion’s share of anticapitalists in the US are radlibs
What’s the difference, functionally?
Like what, self-identifying? And if we’re talking about coherent, organized, doctrinaire anarchists of the leftist type then I’m not convinced the number would be that high to even bother comparing to other leftist tendencies, because there are hardly leftists at all in the US and there’s no standard, structured leftist movement in popular consciousness. My gut says there are maybe something like ten to thirty thousand anarchists like that in the US (without looking at data) and I don’t know, maybe the same number of ML types but really who knows. Hardly anyone announces this type of thing.