I mean, basically the whole family is going to jail the moment their dad is out of office. We know it, and they know it. Trump himself has been sowing seeds to declare a loss illegitimate, and for years now he’s occasionally joked that it’d be super cool for America to have a president for life like all the dictators he looks up to. So does anybody really think that in the event of a Biden win, Trump’s gonna just give up the office without a fight and wait for the noose to tighten around his, and his children’s, necks? There’s gonna be a huge electoral fracas at the very least. There could be a lot of fash violence too. I don’t really think it’ll spark Civil War 2 by itself but it could certainly help. It seems to me like a lot of folks here talking about a Biden presidency are ignoring the minor hurdle of getting Trump to cede power in the first place.
basically the whole family is going to jail the moment their dad is out of office. We know it, and they know it.
Lol no.
Presidents are completely above the law, we’ve seen this demonstrated again and again. Regan, Obama, Bush, they’ve all done shit that is much much worse, the democrats talk big during election season but never follow through. Listen to the dollop for more history about what monsters all the presidents have been (I just listened to the Reagan 2 parter based on a recommendation from the chat, and his 1 term makes Trumps seem tame).
Democrats exist to normalise the rightward turn in american society, we’ve seen this demonstrated again and again (Clinton pushing though nafta which was a republican wet dream for years, Obama normalising forever war, tax cuts etc etc). For a recent example of this, look at the water crisis in Flint, republican governor is a ghoul actively poisoning the black community in flint taking money under the table and paying off people to keep it under wraps. First thing democrats do is drop the charges and refuse to prosecute him and his corrupt administration (technically the window expired).
Presidents are completely above the law, we’ve seen this demonstrated again and again.
Yep. There’s a reason that Ford pardoned Nixon, and Obama completely kiboshed any idea of consequences for anyone in the Bush administration for what their absolutely 100% objectively criminal acts: it would have established a precedent that a president can even be made to face consequences. This will never happen.
Trump and his ilk will not face any prosecution, definitely not federally, and most likely not anywhere else. Their class position above all else prevents it.
Other presidents have done much worse but that was all in service of and to the benefit of the empire and those atop it. Trump’s corruption relates more to personal gain and the Dems sure enough (note: this is not to their credit) did do impeachment over the Ukraine shit, something they never attempted with Bush Jr.
Not that I have hope, but I think that difference is worth noting.
You’re right about all the Dem corruption but Trump has pissed off way too many powerful people to get off scott-free. Even if Biden broke his promise and pardoned Trump, he and his whole family are involved in financial crimes in New York state that the NYAG has been chomping at the bit to prosecute.
I’ve lived to long to believe these fairy tales of justice existing or having any consequences for powerfull people under capitalism.
Consequences happen all the time for powerful people who piss off other powerful people. Look at Martin Shkreli. I’m not talking about justice being done at all.