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i’m a simp for the penguin, but
will probably open source Windows sometime in the next decade to keep it relevant.
??? they have like 75% market share and their main competitor is still MacOS. i’ve noticed among FOSS Freaxx there’s this consistent inability to understand why people in general use software and how they decide which software to use verging on willful delusion, as if ext4 support is a killer app.
pacman … amazing tool
MacOS is still based on an open source operating system. It’s just using the BSD kernel which has a more permissive license. Windows has also been tending more towards open source lately.
Dos/NT is a dying system.
And again, that’s just the consumer desktop market which is significantly less lucrative than the industrial/webserver market. I know like 4 people who’ve ever paid for windows.
Open sourcing it will bring a lot of industrial users back as being able to modify and maintain the system from in house will outweigh the costs and they’ll still be able to charge for support and services.
There’s the problem with the FOSS “movement”; Megacorps using open source software to develop profitable proprietary software is considered a win. Obvious EEE tactics like WSL which seek to bring previously plural, rhizomatic structures of organization into the fold of Big Tech are hailed as victories. There is no vision of what liberatory computing would look like. The tech hippies want to defeat the evil empire by competing with them on the open market, yet they have no consideration for what would even work as a competitive product.
Jesus I sound like an ML.
I support FOSS in the same way I’d support social democrats against a king. It’s a step in the right direction. It’s the public transportation with fares version of software as opposed to the private vehicles that are closed source software.
The most important part of open source software is accessibility. No one can afford a license for non-free software that costs like $5000/year except schools and companies. I really think that the digital sphere is the same as the real world, but with the contradictions even more heightened because it’s a space that’s functionally post-scarcity and everyone knows it.
The fact that you can be charged for numbers and people are telling you that they own numbers is an almost impossible contradiction for most people to reconcile. The FOSS “movement” is the first bourgeois revolution, as it reveals its solutions to the contradictions are lacking, that’s when the second revolution comes.