Mfw I see Americans call trainers “sneakers”
Mfw I see Americans call a rumpus festivity “a party”
Mfw I see Americans call mumsy dearest “mom”
Mfw I see Americans call a rumpus dumpus "diarrhoea"
Mfw I see American ladies call powdering one’s nose “going to the rest room”
Mfw I see Americans call the magical wrist imp “a watch”
Mfw I see Americans call spunkus expelliarmus “ejaculate”
Mfw I see Americans call a pocket sprocket "a cell phone"
Mfw I see Americans call bummsy warmsicles “thermal shorts”
Mfw I see Americans call yellow juice nobsicles “corn”
Mfw I see Americans call a roly-poly steam powered pony “a train”
Mfw I see Americans call rumpus flatulence “the president”
Mfw I see Americans call the electoral college “democracy”
Mfw I realise my country is the USA’s concubine
Mfw Americans call the upsy-stairsy an “escalator”