This person clearly doesn’t know what words mean
I’m gonna assume they know exactly what words mean so I can dunk on their nonsensical statement in an oddly specific bad-faith way.
yes, that’s the joke. you have identified that the humor derives from an internal contradiction because anarchism is incompatible with such an absurd rentier position, leading to a surprise for comedic effect. I’m not sure why you’re taking this so personally, it’s a joke and not even at the expense of anarchism just some clown on the internet
Someone reported your comment for sectarianism. I resolved the report, because your comment wasn’t sectarian and isn’t removal-worthy. Still, I often engage with not-removal-worthy comments that I think deserve a bit of pushback. But it seems like your misinterpretation of the comment was intentional. Maybe I just need to take a joke.
okay buy if it’s sectarian against anyone, wouldn’t it be ancaps? not too far from what they believe afaik