Ah yes the “evilgommunism/chynabad” shit is absolutely there, but it’s not that different from any media created by the DW/BBC/whatever.
Anyways, I use it as slop and to feel good about my english cuz he talks really fast
I know he’s not unique, but I hate it when I’m watching a video about Mad Cow Disease and out of nowhere he brings up an Anthrax incident in Russia like 40 years ago as an example of Soviet authoritarianism or whatever. I absolutely loathe the infotainment channels that try to pass off their neoliberal garbage (in Kurzegesagt or however you spell it’s case, literally funded by Bill Gates) and/or capitalist realist addled videos and/or basically just parroting the state department as some sort of objective analysis or “just the facts”.
And people trust what they say. They’re having a real impact. These kinds of videos routinely pull in millions of views; how many people are watching CNN after the orange man is gone?
Obviously leftists have fine tuned bullshit detectors, but what about everyone else?