Well yes I’d really like an unironic tank actually, but you get it
I don’t even get the “I have to carry tools” argument. The percentage of trucks vs cars sold now is way up to even 10 years ago, and it’s not like everyone has taken up home improvement. It’s so clearly petro-masculinity.
I feel like I see cargo vans being used more by construction/landscaping type businesses these days
Unless you really badly need the better suspension of a truck, it’s the more practical choice
My buddies dad does general contract work and he had one of those big trucks with the tool kit and everything on it. Only used it when he absolutely had to cause it used so much damn fuel and couldn’t even use it to haul shit if it was gonna rain. Sold it for a transit van then pimped out the back with custom shelves and stuff to carry all his tools. It’s a mini portable workshop and he loves it. Uses way less fuel and much nicer ride.
And when I say custom I mean the man got in there with plywood and steel and built it himself. Only thing he spent money on was a nice mat for the floor. It was completely bare when he got it.