We can push two buttons. We all push thousands of buttons every day. I think we keep forgetting its real life and we have more than just right now. I look forward to pushing every button I think might help, even if it means using both hands.
Vote blue no matter who/voting for the lesser evil just perpetuates the evil.
How would that work? Right now we are far left. biden is center right and trump is far right. You have to kinda say “10 concentration camps is the same as 1” and ignore quantitative differences that are real peoples lives. They keep having buy out and blackmail and manchurian the DNC because people want to vote for the further left person but then they create massive propaganda aparatuses to make sure they don’t get more than 8 years in a row because they know the overton window will shift and they’ll never get a nother chance.
You keep trying to make everything a binary, all or nothing kind of situation as opposed to parts of building something long term.