Like, even the libs! Everyone’s all a buncha bootlickers, praising the uber-powerful for their hard work and success, I swear. Like, hellooooo, that’s all just privilege stolen from the workers!
I signed up to work where I work because everyone there was rad. Pretty much all the employees have cycled, and now it’s all libs and chuds. Waaaah!
So this is my very deep question: like, what’s up with that??
Edit: Sorry, I realized after I posted this is a better fit for !, but it’s already at 1 upvote, so too late now!
I wish conspiracy theorists could see the actual systemic shit that’s making things the way it is. It truly reads like a conspiracy theory, and yet here we are :capitalist:
I’m such a big fan of systems theory . I wish people were able to see relationships, power dynamics, and patterns the way they are able to see individual choices rn.