Nitwit villagers wear robes that are green on top. They cannot acquire a profession, trade, or gather around bells, but are still able to breed. They are not equipped with a level stone since they cannot trade. Pressing use on a nitwit in Java Edition causes it to grunt and shake its head at the player. They wander around the village for about 2000 ticks after other villagers go to sleep, before seeking a bed. If they can claim a bed, they arise in the morning 2000 ticks after the rest of the village wakes up. A nitwit must be born or spawned; no villagers change to nitwit from unemployed or a profession, and vice versa. Nitwits can be found naturally or by curing naturally spawned zombie villagers. Zombie villagers can also be spawned as babies, so this is the only way to encounter baby nitwits in survival mode. In Bedrock Edition, every baby villager has a 10% chance to become a nitwit when they become an adult.
I wasn’t aware Margaret Thatcher had been hired by Mojang
Not accurate because they’re still able to breed.