You’re right, it was inaccurate of me to issue a blanket statement on the effects of circumcision. However, I will say that FGM is more commonly severe due to how its performed. Basically, it seems that the extreme results of botched circumcisions are quite similar to the typical results of FGM.
I will say that FGM is more commonly severe due to how its performed.
This is not borne out by research.
Interestingly, both male and female genital cutting have effects on sexuality that are difficult to measure, despite both involving a large loss of erogenous tissue. This is likely because human sexuality is very resilient.
Research by gynecologists and others has demonstrated that a high percentage of women who have had genital surgery have rich sexual lives, including desire, arousal, orgasm, and satisfaction, and their frequency of sexual activity is not reduced. This is true of the 10 percent (type III) as well as the 90 percent (types I and II). One probable explanation for this fact is that most female erectile tissue and its structure is located beneath the surface of a woman’s vulva. Surgical reductions of external tissues per se do not prevent sexual responsiveness or orgasm. It is noteworthy that cosmetic surgeons who perform reductions of the clitoris and the clitoral hood in the United States, Europe, and Canada recount that there is usually no long-term reduction in sexual sensation, which is consistent with the findings of research on African women.
Thanks for linking that - it led me down an interesting rabbit hole that I never would have gone down otherwise. What do you think of the criticisms made of the paper described in this press release? I haven’t had the chance to properly comb through everything but it does raise some apparent issues.
I would also note that outside of the traditional definition of FGM things like the “husband stitch” also exist and cause definite pain and damage.
Even the most common side effect of circumcisions is bleeding (usually remedied by pressure to the area and dressings like usual), and that is only 1% of all circumcisions. More significant complications are a lot rarer.
I would wager the proportion of the replies we’re seeing here result from:
- People with botched circumcisions (or are otherwise displeased with their circumcision) are more likely to engage with a post discussing circumcision than those who have not had a negative experience with it
- Anti-circumcision activists are disproportionately common on reddit, and this site is basically a replacement for a banned subreddit
- Leftists are probably more likely to be against needless circumcision as it aligns with a lot of leftist thought against stereotypical american culture
Again, I’m not suggesting that unnecessary circumcision (botched or otherwise) isn’t something to be upset about. But it needs to be viewed contextually alongside FGM. To equate the two is foolish.