I cannot do justice to this vast new philosophy, theory, and technology of statecraft and economic policy, but the main MMTers are essentially Post-Keynesians…
So I ask: When will MMT policy not trigger inflation or stagflation? Where do they draw the line? What are the sustainable limits of MMT?
I am sure MMTers have an answer to such questions, but [I haven’t bothered to read them.]
These lines, combined with the grand total of zero citations in the MMT section of that article, suggest that the author is not speaking from any real knowledge of MMT.
All adherents to any religion think that their critics “don’t have any real knowledge of MMT”, which is, ironically, what makes MMT the Austrianism of the left.
All adherents to any religion
think that their critics “don’t have any real knowledge of MMT”
I think he doesn’t know shit about MMT because he starts off by saying “I don’t know shit about MMT.” How fucking gullible do you have to be to take that guy as an authority on the subject?
I think it is a “for Dummies” version of the much more expansive and detailed work of Prof. Anwar Shaikh, who has a video on Money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPMoESXe4x8&index=27&list=PLB1uqxcCESK6B1juh_wnKoxftZCcqA1go