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you can actually google “nato country” military sexual assault and find stories of women coming forward with abuses of power from all levels of the military, it is literally not unique to each country, better yet, you can also google “nato country” courts martial, because some countries, such as my own, publish their proceedings and stuff but be warned as there are usually intricate descriptions of sexual violence
its a pretty well kept secret, lots of active cover ups it happens in every insitution
every country, every country has these same people plaguing the top echelons of command, im willing to bet just as psychopathic peoples are over represented in the boardroom, the same it is for the military, as the rank divide and officer/enlisted class divide is instilled from the beginning of a members career.
lots of people join at 18 with no life experience and have no idea what healthy relationships or consent or anything like that looks like. its become less of a problem in my country, as the average age of enlistment is mid-late 20s, so some people usually have a bit of either schooling or life experience when they join and a more likely to call out improper behavior since they have the knowledge to identify it, as opposed to traditional “army bullshit”