Personally don’t think this is the right path at all and is going to effect rural, poor and anyone without proper public transit (soooo a ton of people) unfairly. I understand the idea behind it but there are so many better ways to deal with the driving problem they’ve created.
I mean, big rigs paying for their fair share of road maintenance would kill the road freight industry overnight. Semis cause like 36x the stress to roads as an average sedan or something equally bonkers.
There will be pain somewhere, is all I’m saying, and it will inevitably be felt most by the poor, no matter the implementation details.
The big rig actually does over 400x the road damage of a regular car
The US General Accounting Office did a study on this in 1978. (Excessive Truck Weight: An Expensive Burden We Can No Longer Support CED-79-94)
They determined that a fully loaded 80,000 pound 18 wheeler did 160,000 times more damage than a 4,000 pound car (which already is a oversize piece of shit).
big rigs paying for their fair share of road maintenance would kill the road freight industry overnight.
How much less fuel efficient are they already?
Or does diesel get less/no gas tax?