We say we’re not going to fight capitalism with socialism, but we’re going to fight it with black capitalism.
The whole hustle with black owned businesses is bullshit, unless the black owners of the business are the workers.
I’m also pretty tired of being called a hater/uncle tom/tryna sound white or whatever, but “black-owned” isn’t radical unless that ownership is a fundamentally different form of ownership.
I hate how libs have co-opted blackness into a consumer choice and/or marketing brand. I hate how this aspirational capitalism is somehow empowering for black folks, it’s not. It never has been. It never will be.
Sure get your money right, that’s fine, but never ever think you can capitalism the people to prosperity and equality. If anything capitalism demands black folk remain an underclass. I wish there were a more prominent discussion about capitalism direct negative impact on black folks. I suppose it’s easier because race is a buffer to class which a buffer to capital in the US, it sucks.
It’s just dreadful to know that black folks are meant to want this nonsense. I want my peoples to be free and equal, to live Dr. King’s dream in its fullness, but capital will never bring us to the mountaintop.
very well put, reminds me of this quote
Let’s travel back to Marx’s Grundrisse:
It is not individuals who are set free by free competition; it is, rather, capital which is set free.