I’m almost 30, I’ve never had good credit since I went into adulthood as a poor person, and the first thing I had to do was take a credit card out for a veterinarian to get my dog put down.
Couldn’t pay that back, so that went on the record, then student loans happened. Can’t pay those back, so that’s on the record.
I’ve never had good credit, and I don’t expect to, thus at some point I just said fuck it.
What I noticed was predatory companies still kept sending me cards trying to fuck me with high interest rates and huge fees.
So what I do now is just take the cards out, spend them, and then not pay them back. It’s like a free shopping spree every other year or so.
Sometimes I’ll get drunk and do that thing where you say that you don’t owe them anything via credit report websites on the older accounts. Sometimes they just go away when I do that.
So then I get another card and buy more shit and don’t pay it back. I spent a year of my life in bars and making great friends that I talk to daily even still doing this lmao
This will surely never come back to haunt me.
edit: This will absolutely fuck your ability to rent apartments from companies. Only do this if you’re already screwed on that front already. If you need your score up to move or whatever, then hold the hell off.
editedit: Obviously this is horrible fucking financial advice. This post is just me talking about how you can get a bit of cash from time to time when you’re fucked either way. Not going to fix anything, but it probably won’t make it much worse if you’re in this tight of a spot.
Don’t do it with banks you have an account with, and don’t do it with landlords. Both of them can lien you. Credit companies generally won’t on small cards and will send it to debt collectors who have no ability to lien you.