“The Islamic Emirate doesn’t want women to be victims” Samangani said, using the militants’ term for Afghanistan. “They should be in government structure according to Shariah law.”
He added: “The structure of government is not fully clear, but based on experience, there should be a fully Islamic leadership and all sides should join.”
Pretty sure they also did not expect to win so quickly
Personally I was expecting them to open up a little in order to be like “Hey international community, we are Afghan now look we are a valid country acting as a valid country” and while it will still be shitty, it probably won’t be much worse than what’s already out there.
Macron Le’ Pew: Sacré bleu! What is a nice country like you doing all by itself?! Macron will sooth you, enrich you, and probe every inch of you! Muwahhh! Muwahh! Awwhuhuhuhhh!