I agree completely with what you’ve said, but I was explicitly referring to calling people fascists, not identifying statements or societal features as fascist. As you alluded to in your reply it’s the parallel version of when Republican boomers label anyone advocating for i.e. Health Care For All as a “Socialist!” , and use that as a blanket method of dismissing them as unworthy of listening to. I will not be posting a picture of my penis at this time, and without wanting to make a big deal of it, find that meme kind of grossly sexual and gendered in a way that cuts against the admirably gender progressive nature of this site and movement.
You started this interaction with an attack using prison rape I don’t think you’re in any position to make a moral argument about “grossly sexual” things in this interaction. If gendered things are an issue then put your pronouns on your profile, ironically I DO have mine up and you still made a misgendered prison rape attack though.