The only way he’s harm reduction is that he’d lazily stroll towards fascism while Trump would keep sprinting towards it. The left is not anywhere close to organized enough to deal with full-tilt fascism, so arguing that we should prefer the candidate who will at least give us a little more time to get organized has some merit.
Trump is not bringing about fascism though. They have no movement and he’s incompetent. He’s bringing about a shitter time for everyone but he’s not making fascism happen and he’s not helping turn liberals into fascists – he’s doing the opposite.
The left needs to not get caught up in this nonsense liberal shit that Trump is an actual fascist or bringing about fascism. Only the libs actually believe that.
They have no movement
90% + support among Republicans (for years straight, too), tons of support among cops, and a growing number of people who are willing to take advantage of cops’ indifference to go beat up people on the streets. That’s a movement.
he’s incompetent
He’s incompetent at many things, but he’s extremely competent at whipping his supporters into a frenzy and getting them to believe whatever he wants them to believe. Likewise, he’s extremely competent at soldiering through the type of political landmines that would take out most other politicians.
he’s not helping turn liberals into fascists – he’s doing the opposite
The vast majority of libs aren’t anti-fascist so much as they’re anti-Trump. They had no problem with all the bad shit Trump is doing back when Obama did it, just like all the libs up in arms about election interference completely ignored Democrats rigging their 2016 and 2020 primaries.
You are conflating liberals with fascists and turning everything into a giant fucking boogieman that isn’t there. The fascists can’t even get more than 50 people to show up to anything in the streets. They’re in complete demoralisation in all their communities right now as they’re quickly realising shooting at the left results in getting shot back and hasn’t put a single dent in leftist infrastructure or turnout. They are a larp. It’s meme fascism with no real bite.
This libertarian fascism “movement” you claim to exist simply does not. You can’t have a fascist movement without infrastructure, without youth training programs, with a collective ideological belief, without actual ideological education and experience building to create a real fighting force. They have NOTHING. Nada. Stop building a boogieman that isn’t fucking there.
They do not have anything to bring about a rebirth. There is no pathway to fascism whatsoever on their existing pathetic attempt at a movement. They don’t even have a tiny pathetic fraction of the organisational power that movements occurring in Europe currently have that are centralised with strong figures, proper programs, youth wings and real actual ideology.
You are conflating many many different groups into one boogieman. Stop it. Stop scaring yourself with this made up enemy and look at what they actually have.
He is a fascist, just a really bad one. Successful fascists have at least some sort of plan, some sort of way to advance their reactionary thinking. Trump doesn’t have that, so he’s is very weak and ineffective considering the power he has access to.
He’s not a fascist, not the palingenetic ultranationalist kind anyway which is what we’re really talking about when we talk about the coming about of actual fascism. He’s just a self absorbed bougie that uses whatever is going to benefit him at any one time to get ahead. He uses them. The only thing Trump gives a shit about is furthering himself.