You don’t need to go shouting it, but if someone starts talking politics at you, fucking own it. Some coworker is like “trump sucks”, say “yeah I know, I’m a communist”. Your grandpa says “trump rules”, say “no he sucks ass, I’m a communist”. You’re on a date and they ask who you’re voting for? Say “I’m a communist”. Cashier asks would you like change? “Yes, I am a communist”.
Be open about your politics and lay claim to the title. Be a communist.
Let’s do a roleplay to demonstrate. I will be the buffoonish ignoramus who only knows communism bad.
What do you mean you’re a communist? Like China or Stalin? Those guys are bad.
What I consider to be necessary for a communist government is largely just a communal concern for well being, both ours and everyone else.
At the expense of being called a revisionist, I actually disagree that this is necessary. Too many people are self-centered assholes to make this a requirement for our movement. We will need quite a few self-centered assholes if we want any chance at succeeding. You just need to convince them that our goals are good for their goals. If they aren’t upper management or a business owner, it isn’t all that difficult.
It’s quite easy to frame things in an individual perspective. “YOU should get the full benefits of YOUR work. Rich assholes who don’t give a fuck about YOU are basically stealing what you make.”
Just reframe “taxation is theft” into “profit is theft”. The tragedy of the commons just needs to be presented as “how greedy elites are fucking people like you and me over”
“Well, what I believe in is something called Marxism-Leninism. It is a marriage of both Marx and Lenin. It primarily advocates anti imperialism, anti capitalism, and economic and social justice.”
I will hold back on redpilling them on the benefits of Stalin and the PRC for a later date
“Tell you what. If you can get 100 words down, on paper, without using the internet, explaining how “China Bad” and “Stalin Bad” are effective retorts that disprove dialectical materialism and render the entire concept of Communism null and void, then I will stop being a Communist.”
I’m gonna take this seriously like ur a coworker or stranger, u guys critique me
Nah not like that really, more like… original Marx stuff combined with Bernie Sanders. It’s not that radical when you get down to it, essentially that most resources should be democratically controlled instead of by a single weirdo like zuckerberg.
Probably wouldn’t go on that long unless they continued to seem with me
Good effort, but do you think they would know what you mean by “original Marx stuff”? You should be ready to explain any terms you’re introducing. They would probably know Marx purely through the lens of propaganda, so phrasing it that way may be putting an obstacle. Making a Bernie comparison is useful, though, because it gives people a touchstone to a popular and well-known figure, even if his politics are not quite where we want to be. How else could you put it?
oh no, I’m scared
Let’s pause the roleplay. I think that maybe you should avoid speaking Russian before establishing a comfortable rapport.