Thank you for the get well comment, and to answer your question, which took some time to think about.
I think i’d like to know every human language, animals are cool, had I chosen the later I would like to make a voyage to that gated community and thank the capybara’s there for doing praxis, but the ability to speak all languages of the human tounge sounds fascinating. Not to go all Anthony Bourdain/“white guy with dreads who goes on solo-backpacking trips through South America” on you, but people everywhere have stories the rest of the world will never hear, to have the opportunity and connect with people in their native language and hear the clearest description of thier lives, their joy, and thier hardships would be gift worth having. It sucks that being “Worldly” is an activity that bougie CEOs, life coaches, and new age weridos have all co-opted to justify thier shitty grifts/selfishness, exploring the world and meeting new people should be an experience shared by all, not just the few.
This is such a beautiful answer. Being able to experience all of humanity like that is tough to pass up, but I’m often drawn to the animal power. You’d be the best biologist on the planet for every species, able to unlock secrets about the natural world we’ve never known the answer to (although, I doubt the conversation would be nearly as dense as a human conversation). From a practical perspective, you could become like the animal kingdom’s Lenin, encouraging the liberation of animals used by the police and military and teach factory farm animals how to escape their confinements and overthrow their masters (which can’t possibly backfire, right?). Or at the very least you could get a bunch of birds to shit on Elon Musk 24/7 lol.