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I was right wing by default until I was a teenager, since I grew up in an environment where teaching kids to parrot your talking points was considered cool or whatever. In freshman year of high school, the government teacher had us all take an awful left/right political test that put me slightly right of center and next to Colin Powell (totally would’ve been libertarian if it was Political Compass). I thought that was neat, which lead me to actually thinking about my own politics for the first time, and at the slightest actual thought about what I believed I swung left. I started with generic anti-authoritarian, anti-corporate, pro-redistribution, pro-minority-rights stances, which gradually became some sort of ancom as I was exposed to the relevant concepts.
Edit: Also the first media I consumed with a political message that I actually noticed as such was Gundam Wing, with its “accelerationism is dumb” message. I still believe that, and can’t rule out having picked it up from a giant robot anime.