Hackernews talking about Lemmy.
Link to post in title (new quote for top left? Lol): https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28455098
I tried to do this on a few different sites, but in my experience, there simply aren’t enough good-faith actors. The dirtbag left[0] reigns over the nice fellows in leftist circles on Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook. They don’t want to engage capitalists in debate… they don’t even want anyone in their own ranks playing devil’s advocate. They want to call you a chud and take a screenshot of it.
100% correct, eat shit and cry about it nerd :lenin-laugh:
What is with all of these nerds always claiming they’re “capitalists.” Like, no, you are not. You’re just a bootlicker lmao
I suppose it’s a bit understandable in that we don’t have good nomenclature for someone who buys into capitalist ideology. I guess there’s “pro-capitalist” but that seems unweildy.
When I made a point along these lines to a lib friend of mine once, he argued vociferously that I was a capitalist because I live in the US. It was kinda surreal.
They don’t want to engage capitalists in debate… they don’t even want anyone in their own ranks playing devil’s advocate. They want to call you a chud and take a screenshot of it.
had no idea the dirtbag left was running pr campaigns on hackernews
I’d do a bit as a debate guy who plays devil’s advocate on this website but the only thing debate guys should debate is a machine that kicks them in the head if it detects movement.