and then answered with China.
:amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap: :amerikkka-clap:
obviously not militarily, but you could argue culturally china can compete with the US in terms of nationalistic pride. i think people here underestimate how culturally jingoistic a sizable portion of china is from my experience
that said the US is obviously exceptionally evil and makes china look like a dove on the world stage
Considering that China isn’t founded on settler colonialism, genocide, and chattel slavery, I’d say Chinese nationalism is inevitable gonna be less toxic than US nationalism.
I could say “Read Lenin”. Instead, I’m going to ask - do you think national liberation movements to throw off the yoke of imperialism are bad?
They are from the Youtube comments I’ve seen from Chinese people, but at least they have some good reasons to huff their farts
i disagree that nationalism to such a degree is ever a force for good unless directed at a widely agreed upon evil, (nazis/poverty/etc…)
Chinese nationalism tends to go hand in hand with anti-imperialism and pro-socialism, and has ever since the Mao era.