I used to leave it until around midnight then stay up all night smoking half a pack of cigarettes and drinking several cups of tea crushing a week’s worth of number theory problem sets in about 7 hours.
I would not recommend this, but it might still be better than the adderall binges of my classmates…
crushing a week’s worth of number theory problem sets in about 7 hours
That’s absolute madness. At least if it’s not the “intro to proofs” number theory course.
It was a 200 level course at my university, which means it was a senior level or first year grad student level.
The problem sets were designed to be 1 to 2 hours per night, so it’s not that wild, but certainly took a toll. Plus, by rushing it I missed a lot of beautiful connections I didn’t get until I did a 6 week intensive exploration course in grad school. 6 hours a day of problem sets.
I never really “got” number theory. Too much machinery flying around. I preferred analysis and even algebra. But my math program was…not good.
That sounds intensive. My mind would melt from that much focus I think.