The Battle of Devil’s Hole was fought near Niagara Gorge in present-day New York state on September 14, 1763, between a detachment of the British 80th Regiment of Light Armed Foot and about 300 Seneca warriors during Pontiac’s Rebellion (1763–1766). The Seneca warriors killed 81 British soldiers and wounded 8 before the British managed to retreat.
As early as 1757, Seneca in the Niagara Falls area had complained to the French about losing control of the long portage along an area of the Niagara River, which French traders were trying to improve for wagons.[2] They resented the Europeans trying to take over their traditional territory and displace them from their work.
After the Seven Years’ War, the British took over this area near the Great Lakes. John Stedman improved the former portage trail so that it could accommodate oxen and wagons, and hired teams and escorts to carry goods through. Formerly up to 300 Seneca men had worked as porters on what they thought of as their portage.
Discontent rose among many Native American tribes in the Great Lakes area, who wanted to get rid of the British colonists before more encroached on their lands. In Pontiac’s Rebellion, beginning in 1763, several tribes in the Great Lakes and Northwest area cooperated in rising up against the British.
On September 14, 1763, a large Seneca band of an estimated 300–500 warriors ambushed a wagon train and its armed escort en route from Fort Schlosser to Fort Niagara as it passed through Devil’s Hole, an area known for its difficult terrain. One part of the trail was in a heavily wooded area with a deep ravine on either side; there the Seneca warriors attacked the wagon train. The escort party and teamsters, led by Porter Master John Stedman, were caught completely by surprise; animals broke into a stampede or were driven into the ravine along with their wagons and drivers. The Seneca moved in to fight at close quarters, making musket fire useless, and only three of the party of 24 (including Stedman) managed to escape to Fort Schlosser for help.
Camped nearby at Lewiston was a detachment of the British British 80th Regiment of Light Armed Foot from Fort Gray. Two companies of the 80th commanded by George Campbell and William Fraser heard the news of the ambush and rushed off to help the wagon train.
From a brush-covered hill commanding the trail, Seneca warriors attacked the soldiers about one mile from the wagon train. Once the British companies began to retreat, the Seneca moved to cut them off from the fort and killed “more than 80 soldiers.” The soldiers suffered a loss of 81 dead and 8 wounded before withdrawing (some sources claim the entire rescue party was killed). The Anglo-Americans called it “The Devil’s Hole Massacre”. The warrior Dekanandi later told Sir William Johnson that 309 warriors attacked the British and their only loss was one man wounded.
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The left side of the equation is divisible by 9 so the right side is too. It follows that the sum of the digits on the right side is divisible by 9, so a is 8, which gives t a value of 4.
A crystal
We have a crystal lattice whose “atoms” are joined in ten rows of 3 atoms each. Select thirteen integers, of which twelve are different, and place them in the “atoms” so that each row totals 20. (The smallest number needed is 1, the largest 15.
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a million fucking times this
and it’s not about privileging chuds over people who need it more or spending all your time deradicalizing - it’s about actually acting in accordance with the vision of a communist project and engaging with the mass line to help the masses. The point is that the most people possible can be liberated and live lives that are unalienated and without cruelty. We don’t stand around figuring out who’s in or out, because that’s not what a communist society looks like! We must build the instruments we wish to see in the world, not just because they are moral, but because they are the ones that work. My efforts in mutual aid have probably given a lot of handouts to white, middle class small business owners in addition to typical workers, the unhoused, and the forgotten. We don’t ask! And that service created more good spirit and socially-realized activity than any fucking calling out of local businesses and politicians. And it’s popular!
Do something and don’t restrain yourself because you might help someone wicked while you help everyone else.